Wednesday, November 16, 2011

coming of age

wishing for summer

question: why do all coming of age stories happen in the summer?
because the summer means freedom.
the summer means to roam.
the summer means to stay up late, in the hot living room sitting in your floral chair next to your husband in his recliner.
the summer means letting the windows open up and fill the house with the smell of honeysuckle.
the summer means damp, late evenings.
in the summer you don't have to have a reason for anything; you just do.

so in the middle of november, the season where my heart normally lies, i am aching for this summer.
chasing each other around the house.
eating. oh eating.
riding bikes.
the simple joy of discovering a new home.
so many discoveries.

this summer of my life was so sweet.
and tonight, with the sound of the fan at the end of my bed, i've been reminded of it's flavor.