Sunday, November 28, 2010

I was supposed to write an english paper about Kafka...and this came out

All I can think about right now is the sinking of the Titanic. It’s like, in light of that, nothing else matters. Every time I’m reminded of what happened, I think…why does the world go on? How can the world go on, when so many people died, when such a tragedy actually happened? This actually happened 1517 lives were lost-drowned, died. One thousand, five hundred and seventeen people, human beings with souls and feelings and the capacity to experience pain and suffering, did just that. I’ve been in a car accident. It was probably the worst fear I’ve ever felt. Looking over at ben, wondering if it would stop. Wondering what would happen to us. Wondering if more would happen. Wondering if we would make it. What do you do with that kind of tragedy? How does someone heal from such pain. Almost a year ago it happened. Emotionally, I tend to think I’m over it. But sometimes it hits me. The tragedy was overwhelming. We didn’t die. I didn’t die. Ben didn’t die. But for about 3 seconds, which seemed infinitely longer, between the first hit and the second I though “why are we still moving? Aren’t we going to stop? Is there more pain coming? Is it possible that one of us could die right now?”
That’s the worst thought to have to think.
So imagine, those 1517 people asking the same questions, “is it going to hurt more? Am I going to make it? Is it possible that my husband will make it too? What does the end look like? How is it possible for such a tragedy to be happening?”
You look around you and all you see is pain and screaming and scared faces. I kept thinking in the car accident, “I’m so scared.”
Can you imagine the fear overwhelming you in a sinking ship? Knowing you probably won’t survive the night, staring your own death in the face. Everytime I think about the Titanic I’m overwhelmed with sadness…so many people. Such tragedy…how could such tragedy actually happen? I can’t wrap my mind around it. I cannot comprehend what those people saw that night. Humanity at it’s worst, I would say. Desperation.
One thousand, five hundred and seventeen desperate lives, lost, in a matter of two and a half hours.
I’m thankful for William Denton Cox. I utterly respect him. A third class passenger, he discovered a way out, from the depths of the ship to the deck, to get to the lifeboats. See, third class passengers were stuck inside the ship. There were gates separating the levels, keeping them from mingling with the first class passengers. These gates were locked and the third class was stranded, stuck waiting for their own death. So Cox found a way to get to the deck. He led a group of people to the top, and didn’t get himself off, but went back for more people. He led a second group to safety, and then returned a third time. The third time he didn’t make it. He lost his life. William Denton Cox laid down his life for strangers. He went back, he kept going back, likely knowing it was his own death.  He saved so many people.
A ridiculously disproportionate number of third class passengers died that morning. They didn’t stand a chance. Even in the face of tragedy, people couldn’t forget these differences. William Denton Cox, I commend you. You did a beautiful thing, and most people don’t even know who you are. But I do. Thank you.

Monday, November 15, 2010

a call to arms

now i could never kill a human being
but something stirs in me every time i think about fighting for something beautiful
deep, deep inside my veins i want to fight. not to defend what is good. good doesn't need defending.
i want to fight for those who haven't yet realized it.

war has changed. war used to be valiant, full of honor. you approached your enemy, brave, facing an almost certain death. and what drove you? knowing that you were fighting evil, knowing that you lay down your life for something beautiful:





this is the battle i want to join. lately it's been rushing out from within me. i have no need to defend anything. but an aching lies within me, good fighting evil. inherent good fighting inherent evil.
this is why i say i could never kill a human being.
i don't believe any human still living is beyond the reach of light, of good.
but i could easily take up sword, alongside angels and warriors and valiants of old, looking my foe in the face, knowing that though they slay me, i am fighting for the defeat of evil.
i am fighting for the clutches to be loosed.
fighting for the darkness to be pierced.
fighting to save those who cannot yet see the light.

oh man....there is so much more to this. how much honor is found, to walk into the pit of death not to defend your name, not to defend your father's name, not to defend your city, but to sacrifice yourself to save the lives of countless others.

man i want to do this. i want to be a valiant warrior, with a stout heart. i want to be changed by it. i want to change with it. that my life might take up some meaning along with those who've gone before into the abyss, not knowing the outcome (or whether there might be one).

standing on the brink, i take a quick look behind me and see those walking into the same battle. i look before me and see a glimpse of hope, a light into the faces of those who might still be saved.

and i don't mean to stop. i don't mean to give up, until death take me, or there are none left to fight for.
our Captain never meant for us to lie beneath some already hewn body, waiting for the horn to signal the end.
He meant for us to take up arms, to march into the blows of our enemy, suffering pain and all things dark.

you see, our souls are filled with light. we've already found it. or rather, it has found us. how could we be so selfish as to keep it to ourselves?

as your body is broken and given and poured out, so is your light. poured into those you are fighting. and maybe, your light spilled out can yet grasp them.

so why do we run? why do we believe it's up to someone else?
"a job for the victors" one says
"for the brave, the courageous" says another
"the powerful must fight!"
"the leaders, let them go. it's their responsibility"

we've forgotten the cause for our battle. pick up your sword. perhaps the feel of it will remind you why you fight, what you send your leaders to achieve. perhaps in grasping it, really looking at it, you'll remember you've been sleeping. and as you hear the battle cry, you'll remember that someone fought for you. take up your arms and fight beside your Captain, your King!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


i want to:
snuggle with penny
go to the beach, even if it's cold
take a walk with ben seavey
or sit on the porch, drinking coffee, rain comin down
sing a song about carolina
drink my entire cup of tea before it gets cold
savor the yellow in the air
get married
bake crackers
hang out with my sister
hang out with my other sister
sit in the seavey's living room and talk for hours
go to the wimbish's house, talking to mira while ben and david cook something amazing
have a game the good ole days
be the best photographer in the world
wait outside a store while i see ben coming from a mile away to come get me in his yellow taxi, smiling or singing or dancing
go to pet land and play with little lab puppies
feel important
make potato salad with (for)  bees knees
do something holiday-ish
eat some really awesome bread
talk about food with ben one else gets it
make tomato soup
climb a tree
feel as warm as i feel right now forever
give ben's cheek a little kiss
laugh hysterically with cindy
sneeze..a really good one
know i made someone happy
get a really big hug from someone...a human someone. not just dogs
enjoy my family
take an award winning photograph
have leaves fall all over me
bless someone

Saturday, November 6, 2010


was a horrible day

man, just awful awful awful. painful painful painful. and no escape from it either. until my dad came home and a flood of peace fell over my whole house.
i'm so thankful for a father who looks like my Father. :)

anyways, as i was leaving the house of my friend who had called me over to come make pastry cream, i started thinking to myself...

how amazing is it to have a friend that completely accepts me?
what a gift, an inexplicable gift...the sense of home i have with her. a little taste of Home.
to be completely, unconditionally loved and nurtured and encouraged and lifted up.

thanks friend

oh, p.s. i'm super happy because two of my photos sold on etsy!