Tuesday, November 9, 2010


i want to:
snuggle with penny
go to the beach, even if it's cold
take a walk with ben seavey
or sit on the porch, drinking coffee, rain comin down
sing a song about carolina
drink my entire cup of tea before it gets cold
savor the yellow in the air
get married
bake crackers
hang out with my sister
hang out with my other sister
sit in the seavey's living room and talk for hours
go to the wimbish's house, talking to mira while ben and david cook something amazing
have a game night...like the good ole days
be the best photographer in the world
wait outside a store while i see ben coming from a mile away to come get me in his yellow taxi, smiling or singing or dancing
go to pet land and play with little lab puppies
feel important
make potato salad with (for)  bees knees
do something holiday-ish
eat some really awesome bread
talk about food with ben seavey...no one else gets it
make tomato soup
climb a tree
feel as warm as i feel right now forever
give ben's cheek a little kiss
laugh hysterically with cindy
sneeze..a really good one
know i made someone happy
get a really big hug from someone...a human someone. not just dogs
enjoy my family
take an award winning photograph
have leaves fall all over me
bless someone


  1. You bless me. Just by being you. I love your list. I love the window into your mind that it is. I love your wishes. I love that you love Ben. And I love you!

  2. YES come over and talk to mire while Ben cooks and I drink beer and watch him cook. PERFECT. hahaha.
    I love this list. I realized the other day that I love when people sing songs about the carolinas. It sounds awesome.
    I'm excited for you to get back here.
    And you have the coolest looking dogs.
